- 5. stealing or illegally copying software packages or information
- 8. the instructions that run the computer system
- 12. the use of technology to create product styles and designs
- 16. conducting business transactions using the internet or other technology
- 18. a coordinated system of processing and reporting information in an organization
- 19. a computer program that translates commands and allows application programs to interact with the hardware
- 1. the use of computers to help people learn or improve skills at their own pace
- 2. the control center of the computer
- 3. computer programs that help people solve technical problems
- 4. the physical elements of a computer system
- 6. all functioning components of a computer
- 7. software that enables computers to reason, learn and make decisions
- 9. a series of detailed, step-by-step instructions that tell the computer what functions to complete
- 10. allows employees to work from home using personal computers and other technology
- 11. computer programs that perform specific tasks such as word processing, database management or accounting
- 13. mechanical devices programmed to do routine tasks
- 14. a group of computers linked together in order to share hardware, software and data
- 15. a program code hidden in a system that can later do damage to software or stored data
- 17. a system of letters, numbers, words and symbols to communicate with the computer