Pocket Pets

  1. 8. Series of obstacles designed to promote physical activity and mental stimulation in rodents.
  2. 12. Commercially formulated rodent diet providing essential nutrition.
  3. 14. Male and female rodents paired for the purpose of reproduction ensuring genetic diversity.
  4. 15. Chewable items such as sticks or blocks essential for maintaining rodent dental health.
  5. 17. Soft synthetic bedding material providing comfort and warmth for rodents.
  6. 18. Term for a baby rodent typically referring to mice or rats.
  7. 19. Rounded enclosure allowing rodents to explore their environment safely.
  8. 20. Shelter or enclosed space where rodents can retreat for privacy and security.
  1. 1. Container filled with dust or sand for rodents to roll in aiding in grooming and hygiene.
  2. 2. Soft material used by rodents to construct nests for shelter and warmth.
  3. 3. Rotating wheel for rodents to run on promoting physical activity and mental stimulation.
  4. 4. Breeding between closely related individuals which can lead to genetic abnormalities.
  5. 5. Exercise equipment for rodents aiding physical activity and mental stimulation.
  6. 6. Small compressed food pieces formulated to meet the nutritional needs of rodents.
  7. 7. Container filled with fine dust or powder used by rodents to maintain their fur cleanliness.
  8. 9. Chewable toys made from ropes or fibers promoting dental health and mental stimulation.
  9. 10. Tunnel-like structures providing enrichment and exploration opportunities for rodents.
  10. 11. Tunnel-like structures providing hiding spots and avenues for exploration in rodent habitats.
  11. 13. Suspended fabric structure providing a comfortable resting spot for rodents.
  12. 16. Rapid darting movements typical of rodents often associated with exploration or fear.