- 2. where haikus originated from
- 5. famous english poet, wrote romeo and juliet
- 8. giving intimate objects natural or human qualities
- 9. exaggerated statements (not ment to be taken literally)
- 11. using a word with vocal imitation of a sound
- 12. comparing two things with like or as
- 13. wrote oyzmandias
- 15. a poem with 17 syllables
- 16. a poem with no rhyme
- 17. what a stanza is made up of
- 1. a pargragh for a poem
- 3. comparing two things directly (without like or as)
- 4. two or more of the same sound at the beginning of words
- 6. a group of words that conveys a non-literal meaning
- 7. how the words read together to a poem
- 10. rhyme at the end of a line
- 13. a piece of writing to express an idea
- 14. describes the pattern of beats in a line of poetry