Poetry Elements and Types

  1. 3. a word that represents another thing
  2. 7. repetition of the same vowel sounds
  3. 9. 5,7,5, relates to nature, onomatopoeia
  4. 10. refers to another work(Bible, mythology)
  5. 11. appeals to the senses
  6. 12. two contradictory terms used together
  7. 15. what the author thinks about the subject
  8. 16. comical, aabba rhyme scheme
  9. 17. comparison of two unlike objects
  10. 19. 14 lines, rhyme scheme, iambic pentameter
  11. 20. how the reader feels
  12. 22. five line stanza
  1. 1. words spelled as they sound
  2. 2. extreme exaggeration
  3. 4. how many syllables per line
  4. 5. human-like qualities given to objects
  5. 6. shape of a diamond
  6. 8. tells a story, long
  7. 12. praise for a person, place, thing, event
  8. 13. two rhyming lines of poetry
  9. 14. comparison of two things using like/as
  10. 18. repeat of a word or phrase
  11. 21. play on words