Poetry Puzzle

  1. 1. a pattern of beats
  2. 4. a major genre of literature
  3. 5. expresses personal emotions or feelings
  4. 7. I made my way to the lake
  5. 9. a grouped of set of lines in a poem
  6. 11. a fire revealed through a literary melt
  7. 13. the fire danced with the wind
  8. 14. the raven
  9. 15. does not use repetition of vowels sounds
  10. 18. divided syllables into rhythmical units
  11. 19. rhythmic patter in poetry
  12. 21. a serious poem
  1. 2. the cat is a ball
  2. 3. its so hot outside, you could melt
  3. 6. tells a story of drama
  4. 8. peter,pper,picked a pair if pickled peppers
  5. 10. is poetry that does not use regular rhyme,meter,or stanza division
  6. 12. a speech meant to be understood imaginatively instead of literally
  7. 16. the wall is blue like the sky
  8. 17. a poem about someone who died
  9. 20. roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and so are you