Poetry Terms

  1. 2. - when two or more words have the same sound
  2. 5. - using words to describe sounds (Boom! Pow! Bang!)
  3. 8. - comparing two things without “like” or “as” (her smile was the sun)
  4. 11. - when something happens that you don’t expect
  5. 12. - a Japanese poem that’s 3 lines long, with a structure of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables
  6. 14. - when words start with the same letter or sound
  7. 15. - when a sentence gets broken up into multiple lines
  1. 1. - when something gets repeated to make the reader understand
  2. 3. - when an author hints about something that’ll happen in the future
  3. 4. - a couple (two) lines in a poem
  4. 6. - a paragraph in a poem
  5. 7. - describing a non-human thing with human traits
  6. 9. - an English poem that’s 14 lines long, rhymes, and ends with a couplet
  7. 10. - comparing two things using “like” or “as”
  8. 13. verse - a poem that doesn’t have set rules or a structure