Pohonetics and phonology

  1. 4. a branch of linguistic, which studies the systems and patterns of sounds in language.
  2. 6. used to represent speech sounds
  3. 7. speaker´s performance, the actual utterance a speaker produces.
  4. 8. statements of permissible strings of phonemes. It deals with the way consonants combine and with the position consonants and vowels may occupy in the syllable or word.
  5. 9. term used when a linguistic unit or process is more natural than another.
  6. 10. the use of the pitch of the voice to convey meaning
  7. 11. studies the nature and limits of the human ability to produce speech sounds and describes the way these sounds are delivered.
  8. 12. a system of mutually defining entities according to Saussure
  9. 15. words which are distinguished by one phoneme.
  10. 17. variation the opposite of Complementary distribution is called….
  11. 20. accent of standard English in the UK
  12. 21. the relative strength of a syllable
  13. 23. one of the basic notions in phonology. The allophones.
  14. 24. non-constructive sounds. One way in which a particular phoneme can be pronounced.
  15. 25. a small number of regularly used sounds (vowels and consonants),the basic units of phonology.
  16. 27. one of the basic notions in phonology. And the allophones have a particular…………
  1. 1. studies the physical properties of speech sounds during transmission from speaker to hearer
  2. 2. a conglomeration of signs, each invested with arbitrary meaning according to Saussure.
  3. 3. when an allophone do not occupy the same position in words, we say they are in….
  4. 5. mimic the words of other languages
  5. 13. term used for units or process which are less expected.
  6. 14. linguistic system on the basis of which all speakers are able to understand and produce speech.
  7. 16. the pronunciation of the language
  8. 18. one of the basic notions in phonology. It is the phoneme.
  9. 19. Is concerned with hearing and the perception of speech, or our response to speech sounds as received through the ear and brain.
  10. 22. a variety of language which is different from others in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and word-order
  11. 26. for a phonetician are phenomena in the physical world whereas for the phonologist, they are linguistic items whose intrinsic interest is their function.