
  1. 1. Evolves into avalug
  2. 3. Ash's pokemon
  3. 4. the "headache" pokemon
  4. 8. Onyx evolves into this
  5. 10. If bucky badger were a pokemon, he would be this
  6. 12. ice-type pokemon with an ice covered body that walks on all four legs. Looks like a giant ice turtle
  7. 13. a flaming pony pokemon
  8. 14. charmander evolves into this
  1. 1. grass/poison pokemon with a "seed" on its back
  2. 2. evolves from psyduck
  3. 5. You get these pokemon by saving postcards from all over the world
  4. 6. normal/fairy pink pokemon with big, bunny-like ears
  5. 7. A cute round, pink, jiggly, puffy fairy type pokemon
  6. 9. This pokemon is named after the sound an owl makes
  7. 11. this pokemon has a flame on its tip