
  1. 1. Serina`s reigon legandary
  2. 3. kanto`s punching machine
  3. 5. kurem`s friend
  4. 7. arm thrust pokemon
  5. 8. they say its the strongest dragon type
  6. 12. stops the fighting against two primal forms
  7. 13. fights against kygore
  8. 15. all your getting is eya
  9. 18. pre of crustal i dont care i spelt it incorrect
  10. 19. rock SNAKE POKEMON
  11. 20. Ash`s buddy
  12. 22. evolved form of brocks biggest pokemon
  1. 2. main character
  2. 4. dawns first pokemon
  3. 5. paletowns fire starter
  4. 6. what you call daddy
  5. 9. created legandary
  6. 10. fish pokemon count the boxes
  7. 11. my favourite pokemon from the first form filled reigon
  8. 14. nearly out just zap ouch
  9. 15. psychic type mythical
  10. 16. the riegon of mega
  11. 17. super cute pokemon that you would wish for haha
  12. 21. the out of the bread not