
  1. 5. a small quadrupedal purple lizard like Baby Pokemon(gen VIII)
  2. 6. often referred as the rage of the sun
  3. 7. the only starter Pokémon that is a member of the Flying Egg Group
  4. 8. psychic pokemon with fox like appearance
  5. 11. also known as the royal sword pokemon
  6. 12. has a yellow flower bud on top of its head
  7. 14. its helpless gaseous body can be blown away by the slightest breeze but it doesn't seem to care
  8. 15. golem made of brown rocks its face resembles the letter H
  9. 16. in France, this Pokemon is called Serpent
  10. 19. Appeared in what I did for love the dance it performs while using its powers is very popular
  11. 20. always covered in disguise it is smallest ghost type
  12. 21. a pink ovoid Pokémon with stubby arms and dark pink feet
  1. 1. steel/psychic type with supercomputer brain
  2. 2. it can wipe out the memory of those who see its eyes
  3. 3. the bubble frog pokemon
  4. 4. an orange insectoid creature resembling the nymph stage of a cicada with mushrooms on back
  5. 9. the faster it goes the longer the swaying flames of its mane will become
  6. 10. it gets so caught up in the rhythm that it won’t even notice that it’s already knocked out its opponent
  7. 13. a simian Pokemon resembling an orangutan
  8. 17. a round, cocoon like Pokemon
  9. 18. pink and adorable known to chase its own tail and become dizzy from it