
  1. 5. The fire-type starter pokemon
  2. 10. Ash's ongoing friend and pokemon is _____
  3. 13. Team Rocket will protect the world from ____
  4. 14. *BOOM* Team Rocket's _______ ___ agaaaaaiiiinnn.....
  5. 15. Ash's rival trainer
  6. 16. In the first episode, what pokemon was attacking Ash when Pikachu saved him?
  7. 17. A crime? Quick, call Officer _____!
  1. 1. Gotta ____ them all!
  2. 2. Misty's specialty is _____ pokemon
  3. 3. The grass-type starter pokemon
  4. 4. Metapod's only attack is _____
  5. 6. The water-type starter pokemon
  6. 7. Jesse's main pokemon
  7. 8. What pokemon was the first one Ash captured?
  8. 9. Ash was defeating gym leaders to get ______
  9. 11. Ash's journey starts in the ____ region
  10. 12. James' main pokemon
  11. 14. Ash's friend ____ is great with earth-types
  12. 17. Take your hurt pokemon to Nurse _____