Pokemon But Better

  1. 2. The Fifth Boss of New Pokemon Snap (Steel)
  2. 3. The Female Protagonist in Pokemon Journeys
  3. 6. The Final Boss of New Pokemon Snap
  4. 7. The Returning Pokemon In Journeys
  5. 8. The Thrid Boss of New Pokemon Snap (Water)
  6. 10. The Legendary Ash and Go Have been teased to encounter
  7. 12. The Second Boss of New Pokemon Snap (Fire)
  8. 14. The Place Arcues Created
  9. 16. The Person teased at the End of Journeys episode 65
  10. 18. The First Boss of New Pokemon Snap (Grass)
  11. 19. The Fourth Boss of New Pokemon Snap (Water Again)
  1. 1. The New Pokemon Region
  2. 4. The Place The Ruins of Alph Is Based off of
  3. 5. The Lake Guardian that Teams Up With Ash
  4. 9. The Male Protagonist of Gen 4
  5. 11. Where Ash and go Are Heading Next
  6. 13. Your New Rival in Snap
  7. 15. The New Mechanic In Snap
  8. 17. The God