- 1. Electric/Ghost, The Plasma Pokemon
- 4. Electric, The Gleam Eyes Pokemon
- 6. Electric/Steel, The Roly-Poly Electric
- 10. Electric, The Thunderclap Pokemon
- 11. Electric, The EleFish Pokemon (first evo)
- 13. Electric, The Flash Pokemon
- 16. Electric/Flying, The Dancing Pokemon
- 18. Electric, The Lightning Pokemon (Kanto)
- 20. Electric/Ground, The Paradox Pokemon
- 21. Electric, The Mouse Pokemon (final evo)
- 22. Electric, The Wool Pokemon (pre-evo)
- 28. Electric/Steel, The Magnet Pokemon (pre-evo)
- 31. Rock/Electric, The Megaton Pokemon
- 32. Electric/Flying, The Bolt Strike Pokemon
- 33. Electric, The EleSquirrel Pokemon
- 36. Fighting/Electric, The Paradox Pokemon
- 37. Electric/Flying, The Electric Pokemon
- 39. Electric, The Sea Urchin Pokemon
- 42. Electric/Steel, The Magnet Pokemon (evolution)
- 44. Electric, The Wool Pokemon (evolution)
- 49. Electric, The Cheering Pokemon (plus)
- 51. Electric/Poison, The Punk Pokemon
- 52. Electric, The Thunderbolt Pokemon (Unova)
- 53. Electric/Flying, The Frigatebird Pokemon
- 54. Electric, The Electrified Pokemon
- 56. Electric, The Cheering Pokemon (minus)
- 57. Electric, The Thunder Pokemon
- 59. Electric, The EleFish Pokemon (pre-evo)
- 60. Electric, The Ball Pokemon (pre-evo)
- 62. Electric/Poison, The Baby Pokemon
- 63. Electric, The Ball Pokemon (evolution)
- 67. Water/Electric, The Light Pokemon
- 69. Electric/Fairy, The Antenna Pokemon
- 70. Bug/Electric, The Stag Beetle Pokemon
- 2. Electric, The EleTadpole Pokemon
- 3. Electric/Fighting, The Mouse Pokemon
- 5. Electric/Dark, The Two-Sided Pokemon
- 7. Rock/Electric, The Paradox Pokemon
- 8. Electric/Dragon, The Paradox Pokemon
- 9. Electric/Dragon, The Fossil Pokemon
- 12. Steel/Electric, The Magnet Area Pokemon
- 14. Electric/Normal, The Generator Pokemon (pre-evo)
- 15. Bug/Electric, The Attaching Pokemon
- 17. Electric, The Mouse Pokemon (middle evo)
- 19. Electric, The EleFish Pokemon (final evo)
- 23. Electric, The Electric Pokemon
- 24. Electric/Flying, The Sky Squirrel Pokemon
- 25. Ground/Electric, The Trap Pokemon
- 26. Water/Electric, The Angler Pokemon
- 27. Dragon/Electric, The Deep Black Pokemon
- 29. Rock/Electric, The Rock Pokemon (pre-evo)
- 30. Electric, The Spark Pokemon
- 33. Electric, The Tiny Mouse Pokemon
- 34. Bug/Electric, The Battery Pokemon
- 35. Bug/Electric, The EleSpider Pokemon
- 38. Electric/Fighting, The Hands-On Pokemon
- 40. Electric/Flying, The Storm Petrel Pokemon
- 41. Electric/Normal, The Generator Pokemon (evolution)
- 43. Electric, The Light Pokemon
- 45. Electric, The Thunderbolt Pokemon (Sinnoh)
- 46. Electric, The Puppy Pokemon
- 47. Electric, The EleFrog Pokemon
- 48. Electric, The Discharge Pokemon
- 49. Electric, The Mouse Pokemon (Paldea)
- 50. Electric, The Glowing Pokemon
- 55. Electric/Fairy, The Land Spirit Pokemon
- 58. Electric/Ice, The Fossil Pokemon
- 61. Electric, The Dog Pokemon
- 64. Electric, The Electric Pokemon (evolution)
- 65. Electric, The Electron Pokemon
- 66. Electric, The Lightning Pokemon (Hoenn)
- 68. Rock/Electric, The Rock Pokemon (evolution)