pokemon but underground

  1. 2. Dragon/Ground, The Cave Pokemon
  2. 3. Ground, The Sand Snake Pokemon, first evolution
  3. 5. Water/Ground, The Whiskers Pokemon, final evolution
  4. 8. Fire/Ground, The Eruption Pokemon
  5. 10. Ground, The Armor Pokemon
  6. 13. Water/Ground, The Water Fish Pokemon, first evolution
  7. 17. Water/Ground, The Vibration Pokemon, final evolution
  8. 18. Fire/Ground, The Numb Pokemon
  9. 19. Ground, The Continent Pokemon
  10. 22. Ground, The Bone Keeper Pokemon
  11. 23. Rock/Ground, The Megaton Pokemon
  12. 25. Ground/Rock, The Drill Pokemon, final evolution
  13. 26. Ground/Psychic, The Clay Doll Pokemon, first evolution
  14. 29. Normal/Ground, The Digging Pokemon
  15. 31. Rock/Ground, The Rock Skin Pokemon
  16. 33. Ground/Grass, The Woodear Pokemon (final evo)
  17. 35. Water/Ground, The Sea Slug Pokemon
  18. 36. Ground, The Mole Pokemon, final evolution, Kanto
  19. 38. Ground, The Sand Snake Pokemon, final evolution
  20. 39. Water/Ground, The Mud Fish Pokemon, final evolution
  21. 40. Ground/Dragon, The Mystic Pokemon
  22. 43. Ground/Grass, The Woodear Pokemon (pre-evo)
  23. 47. Rock/Ground, The Rock Pokemon, middle evolution
  24. 48. Ground, The Lonely Pokemon
  25. 50. Ice/Ground, The Pig Pokemon
  26. 51. Ground/Dragon, The Vibration Pokemon
  27. 53. Dragon/Ground, The Order Pokemon
  28. 54. Ground, The Mole Pokemon, first evolution, Kanto
  29. 58. Ground/Flying, The Fly Scorpion Pokemon
  30. 59. Ground, The Heavyweight Pokemon
  31. 61. Poison/Ground, The Drill Pokemon, male
  32. 64. Ground/Fighting, The Paradox Pokemon
  33. 66. Water/Ground, The Water Fish Pokemon, final evolution
  34. 67. Ground, The Long Nose Pokemon
  35. 68. Ground/Steel, The Subterrene Pokemon
  36. 69. Ground/Rock, The Drill Pokemon, middle evolution
  37. 70. Ground/Psychic, The Clay Doll Pokemon, final evolution
  38. 72. Ground, The Mouse Pokemon, first evolution
  39. 74. Electric/Ground, The Paradox Pokemon
  1. 1. Water/Ground, The Mud Fish Pokemon, middle evolution
  2. 4. Ground/Steel, The Paradox Pokemon
  3. 6. Ground/Ghost, The Grudge Pokemon
  4. 7. Ground/Dark, The Intimidation Pokemon
  5. 9. Ice/Ground, The Twin Tusk Pokemon
  6. 11. Ghost/Ground, The Sand Castle Pokemon
  7. 12. Ground, The Hippo Pokemon
  8. 14. Rock/Ground, The Rock Snake Pokemon
  9. 15. Bug/Ground, The Bagworm Pokemon
  10. 16. Poison/Ground, The Spiny Fish Pokemon
  11. 20. Ground/Dark, The Desert Croc Pokemon, first evolution
  12. 21. Ground/Ghost, The Automaton Pokemon, first evolution
  13. 24. Water/Ground, The Whiskers Pokemon, first evolution
  14. 25. Ground/Rock, The Spikes Pokemon
  15. 27. Rock/Ground, The Rock Shell Pokemon
  16. 28. Ground, The Draft Horse Pokemon
  17. 30. Ice/Ground, The Swine Pokemon
  18. 32. Ground, The Donkey Pokemon
  19. 34. Normal/Ground, The Peat Pokemon
  20. 37. Ground, The Mole Pokemon, Unova
  21. 41. Bug/Ground, The Trainee Pokemon
  22. 42. Grass/Ground, The Continent Pokemon
  23. 44. Ground/Electric, The Trap Pokemon
  24. 45. Rock/Ground, The Rock Pokemon, first evolution
  25. 46. Dragon/Ground, The Land Shark Pokemon
  26. 49. Ground, The Ant Pit Pokemon
  27. 50. Steel/Ground, The Iron Snake Pokemon
  28. 52. Ground/Flying, The Fang Scorp Pokemon
  29. 55. Ground/Flying, The Abundance Pokemon
  30. 56. Dark/Ground, The Ruinous Pokemon
  31. 57. Poison/Ground, The Drill Pokemon, female
  32. 58. Ground/Ghost, The Automaton Pokemon, final evolution
  33. 60. Water/Ground, The Vibration Pokemon, first evolution
  34. 62. Ground/Dark, The Desert Croc Pokemon, final evolution
  35. 63. Ground, The Mouse Pokemon, final evolution
  36. 65. Ghost/Ground, The Sand Heap Pokemon
  37. 71. Ground/Ghost, The Spirit Pokemon
  38. 73. Dragon/Ground, The Mach Pokemon