Pokemon Crossword

  1. 3. The Gen 1 gym leader who is also the leader of Team Rocket
  2. 4. The First Pokemon ever designed
  3. 7. The legendary Pokemon that is seen associated with the legendary birds even though it is from Johto
  4. 8. The abbreviation for the worst Sinnohon of Sinnoh released in 2021
  5. 12. The best YouTuber ever (Not Me, related to Pokemon, It's Ari's Channel)
  6. 13. The legendary Pokemon who had the place where they spawn changed in Fire Red and Leaf Green But changed back in Lets Go
  7. 14. The Minecraft mod that adds Pokemon to Minecraft that was the best until cobblemon was released
  8. 16. The main character of the Pokemon anime who was recently replaced
  9. 17. The legendary Pokemon Ash Sees in the first episode of the anime although the Pokemon is from Johto
  10. 18. A Pokeball that never fail
  11. 20. The device used to capture Pokemon
  1. 1. The Pokemon that, according to Pokedex entries, is hotter than the sun
  2. 2. The Mascot of Pokemon
  3. 5. The Pokemon games released most recently that are based on the past and future
  4. 6. The Pokemon that was supposed to be the mascot before being deemed "Too Girly"
  5. 9. The name for Pokemon found in area 0 that comes from either the past or future
  6. 10. The Best version of Sinnoh released after Diamond and Pearl
  7. 11. The Pokemon that can transform into anything and could be a failed experiment to create Mew
  8. 15. The third Pokemon game from Johto after Gold and Silver
  9. 19. The gym leader who journeys with ash for the first 4 generations of the Pokemon Anime