  1. 4. the water type starter in the kalos region
  2. 5. what is the encyclopedia that records pokemon
  3. 7. what is the evil organisation in the unova region
  4. 9. what is the transport pokemon called
  5. 11. the fire type from the sinnoh region
  6. 13. what is the first pokemon on the pokedex
  7. 15. what pokemon can control time
  8. 17. what is the first pokemon made
  9. 19. what pokemon can evolve into 8 different types
  1. 1. what is the professor called in the first generation
  2. 2. what pokemon doesn't need amega stone to mega evolve
  3. 3. rocket what is the name of the villians organisation in the first generation
  4. 6. what item can fuse kyerum with zekrom/reshiram
  5. 8. who is the mascot pokemon
  6. 10. what pokemon can control space
  7. 12. what is a pokemon born out of
  8. 14. what is the useless love heart shaped pokemon
  9. 16. who is the god of pokemon
  10. 18. who holds the dna of pokemon