Pokemon-Rashad-A cool kid BHM

  1. 2. This pokemon is spooky and isa ghost type
  2. 5. the aura Pokemon and the evolved from riolu
  3. 6. Te alpha pokemon and is the god of pokemon
  4. 8. Salmon + Dragon type pokemon
  5. 9. the best water type ninja pokemon
  6. 11. a normal pokemon and evolve alot
  7. 12. this is a starter pokemon and it is a frog water type
  8. 14. it evolved from syther
  1. 1. easy poekmon everybody knows
  2. 2. this pokemon has a blade and it is a physic and figthting
  3. 3. water type and it is a "turtle"
  4. 4. Dinosaur name and it is a grass type
  5. 7. the best fire type and it is a dragon
  6. 10. this is the 5th fastest pokemon and can do self destruct
  7. 13. every time their is a battle this pokemon teleport away