Pokemon Violet flavor texts

  1. 1. With skillful misdirection, it rigs foes with pollen- packed flower bombs. It sets off the bombs before its foes realize what's going on.
  2. 3. This Pokémon resembles Cyclizar, but it is far burlier and more ferocious. Nothing is known about its ecology or other features.
  3. 4. The green head has turned vicious due to the spicy chemicals stimulating its brain. Once it goes on a rampage, there is no stopping it.
  4. 6. A variety of fish Pokémon, it was once considered to be a regional form of Dugtrio.
  5. 7. This Pokémon spurns all but the finest of foods. Its body gives off an herblike scent that bug Pokémon detest.
  6. 9. The yeast in its breath is useful for cooking, so this Pokémon has been protected by people since long ago.
  7. 19. Its petals are made of crystallized poison energy. It has recently become evident that these petals resemble Tera Jewels.
  8. 21. The ground scrapes its body as it travels, causing it to leave salt behind. Salt is constantly being created and replenished inside its body.
  9. 25. This Pokémon loves playing with children. Though usually gentle, it takes on an intimidating look when protecting its family.
  10. 26. It emits psychic power from the gaps between its multicolored frills and sprints at speeds greater than 120 mph.
  11. 27. The valve in its flame sac is closely connected to its vocal cords. This Pokémon utters a guttural cry as it spews flames every which way.
  12. 28. It's highly skilled at a fighting style in which it uses its jumping capabilities to dodge incoming attacks while also dealing damage to opponents.
  13. 30. The sweet scent its body gives off mesmerizes those around it. The scent grows stronger when this Pokémon is in the sun.
  14. 31. It can sprint at over 70 mph while carrying a human. The rider's body heat warms its back and lifts the Pokémon's spirit.
  15. 32. Though it looks like Tentacool, this Pokémon is a completely different species. Its legs may be thin, but it can run at a speed of 30 mph.
  16. 35. An old set of armor steeped in grudges caused this Pokémon's evolution. It cuts its enemies to pieces without mercy.
  17. 37. This Pokémon wanders around arid regions. On rare occasions, mass outbreaks of these Pokémon will bury an entire town.
  18. 40. Its gentle singing soothes the souls of all that hear it. It burns its enemies to a crisp with flames of over 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  19. 43. This Pokémon drives back enemies by launching its rich, aromatic oil at them with enough force to smash a boulder.
  20. 45. Its flame sac is small, so energy is always leaking out. This energy is released from the dent atop its head and flickers to and fro.
  21. 46. Its physical capabilities are no different than its pre-evolution, but when its allies are in danger, it transforms and powers itself up.
  22. 49. Though it looks like Diglett, it is an entirely different species. The resemblance seems to be a coincidental result of environmental adaptation.
  23. 50. A lovingly mourned Pokémon was reborn as this Pokémon. It doesn't like anyone touching the protuberance atop its head.
  24. 51. No records exist of this species being caught. Data is lacking, but the Pokémon's traits match up with an object described in an old book.
  25. 52. The hardness of this Pokémon's fur depends on the Pokémon's mood. When it is prepared to battle, its fur becomes pointed and needle sharp.
  26. 55. It lives inside an old treasure chest. Sometimes it gets left in shop corners since no one realizes it's actually a Pokémon.
  27. 58. Each of these Pokémon paints its own individual pattern, and it will paint that same pattern over and over again throughout its life.
  28. 59. It viciously threatens others with the sound of its exhaust. It sticks its tongue out from its cylindrical mouth and sprays toxic fluids.
  29. 62. Its firepower increases when it fights, reaching over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. It likes berries that are rich in fat.
  30. 63. To keep enemies away from its territory, it paints markings around its nest using a poisonous liquid that has an acrid odor.
  31. 66. Dancing in ways that evoke far-away places, this Pokémon mesmerizes all that see it. Flourishes of its decorative water feathers slice into its foes.
  32. 67. This Pokémon lives in arid deserts. It maintains its metal body by consuming iron from the soil.
  33. 69. This friendly Pokémon doesn't like being alone. Pay it even the slightest bit of attention, and it will follow you forever.
  34. 70. Its water ring is made from seawater mixed with a sticky fluid that it secretes from its blowhole.
  35. 72. Its fluffy fur acts as a battery. It can store the same amount of electricity as an electric car.
  36. 73. Green-feathered flocks hold the most sway. When they're out searching for food in the mornings and evenings, it gets very noisy.
  37. 74. It covers its territory in tough, sticky threads to set up traps for intruders.
  38. 78. What appear to be eyeballs are actually organs for discharging the electricity generated by its belly-button dynamo.
  39. 79. It launches itself into battle by flipping upside down and spewing frigid air from its mouth. It finishes opponents off with its dorsal blade.
  40. 82. It uses its normally folded third set of legs when in Showdown Mode. This places a huge burden on its body, so it can't stay in this mode for long.
  41. 84. The envy accumulated within curved beads that sparked multiple conflicts has clad itself in fire and become a Pokémon.
  42. 85. It spends its time running around wastelands. If anyone steals its beloved berries, it will chase them down and exact its revenge.
  43. 87. The pads of its paws are electricity-discharging organs. It fires electricity from its forepaws while standing unsteadily on its hind legs.
  44. 88. The steel section is its actual body. This Pokémon clings to rocks and converts the minerals within into energy to fuel its activities.
  45. 91. The hammer tops 220 pounds, yet it gets swung around easily by this Pokémon as it steals whatever it pleases and carries its plunder back home.
  46. 92. It entrances female Pokémon with the sweet, alluring scent that wafts from all over its body.
  47. 93. The pair sticks together no matter what. They split any food they find exactly in half and then eat it together.
  48. 94. The larger pair protects the little ones during battles. When facing strong opponents, the whole group will join the fight.
  49. 95. It lives at the bottom of ponds and swamps. It will carry its pre-evolution on its back and ferry them across water from one shore to the other.
  50. 97. It drains the life-force from vegetation, causing nearby forests to instantly wither and fields to turn barren.
  1. 2. It imbues its fists with the power of the rage that it kept hidden in its heart. Opponents struck by these imbued fists will be shattered to their core.
  2. 3. Though it commands a massive army in battle, it's not skilled at devising complex strategies. It just uses brute strength to keep pushing.
  3. 4. It resembles a mysterious Pokémon described in a paranormal magazine as a Jigglypuff from one billion years ago.
  4. 5. According to an article in a dubious magazine, this Pokémon has some connection to a phenomenon that occurs in a certain region.
  5. 8. It drives enemies out of its nest by sucking in enough air to fill its long, narrow lungs, then releasing the air in an intense blast.
  6. 10. Some of its notable features match those of an object named within a certain expedition journal as ___________.
  7. 11. Many Pokémon gather around this Pokémon, hoping to lick at its mineral-rich salt.
  8. 12. It has similar features to a ghostly pterosaur that was covered in a paranormal magazine, but the two have little else in common.
  9. 13. The hatred of those who perished by the sword long ago has clad itself in snow and become a Pokémon.
  10. 14. The thread it secretes from its rear is as strong as wire. The secret behind the thread's strength is the topic of ongoing research.
  11. 15. Its well-developed jaw and fangs are strong enough to crunch through boulders, and its thick fat makes for an excellent defense.
  12. 16. It's possible that ___________, an object described in an old book, may actually be this Pokémon.
  13. 17. It coils its 10 tentacles around prey and sucks out their nutrients, causing the prey pain. The folds along the rim of its head are a popular delicacy.
  14. 18. This Pokémon lives on sheer cliffs. It sidesteps opponents' attacks, then lunges for their weak spots with its claws.
  15. 20. Sightings of this Pokémon have occurred in recent years. It resembles a mysterious object described in an old expedition journal.
  16. 22. This Pokémon clads itself in armor that has been fortified by psychic and fire energy, and it shoots blazing fireballs.
  17. 23. This Pokémon not even knows where it is headed as it tumbles across the wilderness, blown by the wind. It loathes getting wet.
  18. 24. The surface of this Pokémon's skin hardens when exposed to intense heat, and its body has an appetizing aroma.
  19. 29. This Pokémon converts nutrients into oil, which it stores in the fruit on its head. It can easily go a whole week without eating or drinking.
  20. 32. It slowly brings its exceedingly heavy head down upon the ground, splitting the earth open with huge fissures that run over 160 feet deep.
  21. 33. It resembles a mysterious object mentioned in an old book. There are only two reported sightings of this Pokémon.
  22. 34. This creature resembles a mysterious Pokémon that, according to a paranormal magazine, has lived since ancient times.
  23. 36. It has a sturdy body made up of stacked coins. It overwhelms its enemies by firing coin after coin at them in quick succession.
  24. 38. It rolls its mud ball around while the energy it needs for evolution matures. Eventually the time comes for it to evolve.
  25. 39. This seems to be the Iron Serpent mentioned in an old book. The Iron Serpent is said to have turned the land to ash with its lightning.
  26. 41. It uses the apron on its chest to bundle up food, which it carries back to its nest. It enjoys dropping things that make loud noises.
  27. 42. It treats Tatsugiri like its boss and follows it loyally. Though powerful, it is apparently not very smart.
  28. 44. These Pokémon make their nests on coastal cliffs. The nests have a strange, crackling texture, and they're a popular delicacy.
  29. 47. It attacks with the blade of its frozen dorsal fin by doing a front flip in the air. Its strong back and legs allow it to pull off this technique.
  30. 48. Thanks to a behavior of theirs known as “synchronizing,” an entire flock of these Pokémon can attack simultaneously in perfect harmony.
  31. 53. These Pokémon make their homes in piles of scrap metal. They test the strength of each other's hammers by smashing them together.
  32. 54. This Pokémon somewhat resembles an ancient form of Volcarona that was introduced in a dubious magazine.
  33. 56. This Pokémon shares many similarities with ___________, an object mentioned in a certain expedition journal.
  34. 57. Traditional Paldean dishes can be extremely spicy because they include the shed front teeth of this Pokémon among their ingredients.
  35. 60. This Pokémon has excellent regenerative capabilities. It sheds spare flesh from its body to boost its agility, then charges at its prey.
  36. 61. This Pokémon is an extremely cunning Pokémon. It feigns weakness to lure in prey, then orders its partner to attack.
  37. 64. It floats using the electricity stored in its body. When thunderclouds are around, it will float higher off the ground.
  38. 65. This Pokémon pounds iron scraps together to make a hammer. It will remake the hammer again and again until it's satisfied with the result.
  39. 66. Its strong legs let it easily swim around in even fast-flowing rivers. It likes to keep things tidy and is prone to overthinking things.
  40. 68. It lives in frigid regions in pods of five or so individuals. It loves the minerals found in snow and ice.
  41. 70. The hardened head from the tail protects the head of the main body as it whips its long neck around to headbutt enemies.
  42. 71. It compresses rock salt inside its body and shoots out hardened salt pellets with enough force to perforate an iron sheet.
  43. 72. It uses a unique fighting technique in which it uses its forepaws to strike foes and zap them with electricity from its paw pads simultaneously.
  44. 75. This Pokémon lives in forests and craggy areas. Using the power of its dorsal fin, it cools the inside of its nest like a refrigerator.
  45. 76. It uses its throat sac to store electricity generated by its wings. There's hardly any oil in its feathers, so it is a poor swimmer.
  46. 77. It slightly resembles a Magneton that lived for 10,000 years and was featured in an article in a paranormal magazine.
  47. 80. Ice energy builds up in the horn on its upper jaw, causing the horn to reach cryogenic temperatures that freeze its surroundings.
  48. 81. Its toxic mineral crystals look just like flower petals. This Pokémon scatters poisonous powder like pollen to protect itself.
  49. 83. It bears a slight resemblance to a Pokémon described in a dubious magazine as a cross between a dinosaur and a mushroom.
  50. 86. It's possible that this is the object listed as ___________ in a certain expedition journal.
  51. 89. An infant sleeps inside the ball. It rolls the ball soothingly with its legs to ensure the infant sleeps comfortably.
  52. 90. This hardworking Pokémon observes people and Pokémon from various regions and incorporates their movements into its own dance routines.
  53. 96. It basks in the sun to its heart's content until the fruits on its head ripen. After that, it departs from human settlements and goes on a journey.