Poking my mons

  1. 5. the gigachad of pokemon
  2. 6. the pokemon ash wanted first before even choosing
  3. 9. one of the most ominous towns in the game (it has a spooky theme)
  4. 11. my favorite pokemon game
  5. 12. the first legendary pokemon ash saw
  6. 13. ash's first rival
  7. 14. this pokemon is the thing you put on your feet before putting on shoes
  1. 1. the bird that chased ash in the first episode!!!
  2. 2. this guy REALLY wants mewtwo's power...
  3. 3. who is the pink haired delinquent in team rocket
  4. 4. who is blasting off again???
  5. 7. whats the first pokemon to speak?
  6. 8. who is the blue haired delinquent in team rocket
  7. 10. a pokemon named after the hit game among us