POL 221: Dictatorship

  1. 3. a state institution that often portrays itself as the defender of the nation, people, and state
  2. 4. Dominant-party dictatorships are the _______-most long-lasting type of dictatorship
  3. 5. a dictatorship in which the armed forces play a central role in political life and/or the executive is a member of the armed forces
  4. 7. a strategy used by dominant-party dictatorship in order to prevent defections, future challenges, and mass protests
  5. 10. demanded by the military in exchange for putting down rebellion and keeping the regime in power
  6. 12. the rank of the military leader that is often coupled with a larger junta
  7. 13. a dictatorship that is ruled on a hereditary basis
  8. 17. the problem of authoritarian rule where the leader must balance the tradeoffs between limiting the flow of information and not knowing the true extent of his support in a country
  9. 18. a primary goal of the military as an institution requiring obedience to authority
  10. 20. when a regime is overthrown by force and/or via illegal means
  11. 26. a regime in which the ruling party always wins comfortable majorities; also called a one-party-dominant regime
  12. 27. the most stable form of dictatorship, characterized by stronger property rights and faster economic growth
  13. 30. Dominant-party dictatorships often ________ factions within the dominant party to stay in power
  14. 32. the dictatorship in ___________ fell because the military and security forces refused to disburse protests
  15. 34. monarchies and civilian dictatorships tend to last __________ than mmilitary regimes
  16. 35. an example of a country that used a dominant-party system to distribute state-controlled resources
  17. 36. an institution that functions as a monitoring device for the monarch to ensure family and kin loyalty to the regime
  18. 39. a promise made in which one party offers up something valuable as collateral should it fail to honor its commitment
  19. 42. a regime in which parties frequently win a minority of the seats in competitive elections
  20. 44. a term referring to the manner in which a regime might leave power
  21. 47. a regime in which no opposition party is allowed to compete in elections
  22. 48. military coups have become less common after this era
  23. 50. monarchical succession rules in which the first-born child ascends the throne
  24. 51. personalist dictators have __________ exit options than one-party and military dictatorships
  1. 1. a dictatorship administered by one individual to whom absolute loyalty is paramount for access to state resources
  2. 2. a practice used by members of the monarchy to ensure a tight-knit network of regime agents
  3. 6. a type of dictatorship that tends to rule through fear, limited personal freedoms, secret police, and arbitrary violence
  4. 8. a system in which the leader allows interparty competition, but basic democratic norms are ignored
  5. 9. the most common form of dictatorship
  6. 11. the legal reason the U.S. must stop most direct aid to a state in instances of military coups
  7. 14. a primary goal of the military as an institutions requiring the maintenance of strong interpersonal and professional bonds
  8. 15. a primary motivation for U.S. support of military coups during the Cold War
  9. 16. the rank of the military leader that is often coupled with a smaller junta
  10. 19. punishment of a dictator is easier if the power of the dictator and the support coalition are evenly _________.
  11. 21. direct military intervention in politics is likely when the threat of mass unrest is ___________ high.
  12. 22. splits in a personalist dictator's support coalition that are brutally suppressed because they threaten the existence of the regime
  13. 23. the type of signal of support desired by a dictator
  14. 24. a likely outcome of a transition from military rule to civilian rule
  15. 25. a dictator can choose to co-opt or _________ his population.
  16. 28. what members of the royal family do to state institutions in order to maintain complete control of the regime
  17. 29. a dictatorship in which one party dominates elections, even though other parties are allowed to compete
  18. 31. individuals whose credible signal of support for a dictator is unqualified adoration and belief in everything the leader claims to be true
  19. 33. offers an explanation for the various economic outcomes of different regime types
  20. 37. a dictatorship in which the executive is not a member of the armed forces
  21. 38. one of the largest threats faced by military dictatorships
  22. 40. personalist regimes act similarly to these types of organizations
  23. 41. politburos act as forums for exchanging information and to deliberate about policy are meant to overcome the __________ problem
  24. 43. claimed that the Arab Spring protests against his regime were perpetrated by people high on drugs supplied by Osama bin Laden
  25. 45. an example of a personalist dictatorship in East Asia
  26. 46. a committee of military officers that rule a country
  27. 49. the dominant party in Mexico in the 20th century that used systems of patronage and the illusion of democratic choice to stay in power until 2000