Police Fall 2021

  1. 1. Largest law enforcement agency in the nation
  2. 4. Units that help police departments become learning organizations but are often misused for statistical and clerical work
  3. 6. Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives
  4. 10. Agreement between two different units of government where one unit provides law enforcement services to the other
  5. 13. Law making it illegal to pay different wages to men and women for the same work
  6. 14. A student hired as a nonsworn police employee as part of a police aide program
  7. 17. Committee led by Teddy Roosevelt that took on Tammany Hall
  8. 18. Office known for setting standards for training and eligibility among peace officers (not to be confused with your mail carrier)
  9. 19. Law making it illegal to discriminate against qualified applicants and employees who have a disability
  10. 20. Madison’s location for testing their community policing policies before implementing them throughout the entire city and department
  11. 22. First appointed law enforcement official in colonial America
  12. 23. An officer's freedom to decide how to handle a situation
  13. 25. Important tasks of police include law enforcement, order maintenance, and . . .
  14. 26. Stone cold Steve who founded a famous group of rangers
  15. 28. Common personality inventory developed specifically for screening law enforcement officers.
  16. 29. City where one of the most famous failed police strikes happened in labor history
  17. 31. The ____ service system provides the equivalent of tenure to police officers to prevent political hires
  18. 36. Early federal law enforcement agency that policed smuggling and would contribute to the founding of the Coast Guard
  19. 37. AKA the professional era
  20. 38. A nonsworn police volunteer who can be as young as 14
  21. 41. The popular name for a team of officers that operate in battle dress uniforms and with military weapons
  22. 43. A label indicating that an occupation is dominated by members of one gender
  23. 45. Good-ends can be achieved by these
  24. 48. Another term referring to SWAT teams and similar units
  25. 49. Chicago’s implementation of community policing
  26. 51. Type of supervisors that Engel (2003) found to be the most influential
  27. 52. Rorschach tests
  28. 53. Police departments are not military organizations, rather paramilitary or . . .
  29. 54. Major source of police employment data from the US Census Bureau
  30. 57. A famous Jonathan who was a thief taker and an early iteration of a mob boss
  31. 58. The type of cameras in BWC
  32. 60. Police prevent crime by doing this to would-be criminals through patrol
  1. 2. Controversial law passed after 9/11
  2. 3. Officers transferring from one police department to another while maintaining their position and seniority
  3. 5. Colonel whose name is now synonymous with hangings
  4. 7. Place in the nation with the highest number of police officers per capita (not a US state)
  5. 8. Term often compared and contrasted with reliable
  6. 9. Your internal beliefs about what is right and wrong
  7. 11. Act passed to implement the recommendations of the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
  8. 12. The BJS’s census on police department and employment data
  9. 15. Nickname for police in honor of Sir Robert Peel
  10. 16. A program by Bill Bratton known for high stress meetings where police leaders are held accountable for crime in their precincts
  11. 19. Controversial physical test known to prevent more women the men from being hired as police officers
  12. 21. Former Madison police chief who implemented COP
  13. 24. Sociologist who identified and defined bureaucracies
  14. 27. The formal label for a militarized academy that operates similar to a boot camp
  15. 30. The presence of too much policing is ____-policing
  16. 32. One of Maguire’s types of administrative resources relating to span of control
  17. 33. Patrol officers who work in the field and are often contrasted with management cops
  18. 34. Early precursor to the sheriff who policed shires
  19. 35. Formal name for tactical units armed with military grade weapons and equipment and deployed for extremely dangerous situations
  20. 39. The federal agency that employs marshals
  21. 40. Each rank makes up a link in the ____ of command
  22. 42. The Australian personality inventory that follows up on the IFP profiling system and combines six separate psychological tests.
  23. 44. Drunk drivers are charged with this
  24. 46. According to William H Parker, police form this line between order and chaos
  25. 47. The controversial practice of proactively hiring and promoting minorities, women, and members of other protected groups to reverse past discrimination
  26. 50. The act of stopping, questioning, and frisking citizens on streets and sidewalks
  27. 55. Policing enforced by families, clans, and tribes
  28. 56. Community policing
  29. 59. The Wilson famous for writing the "bible" on police administration