political dictionary chapter 4

  1. 2. No state can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those who happen to live in another state. Each state must recognize the right of any US citizen to travel or become a resident of a state.
  2. 6. An act directing the people of the territory to frame a proposed state constitution. A convention prepares the constitution , then it is put up to a popular vote to the proposed state.
  3. 7. Powers that only the national government has. This power includes things such as; the power to coin money, make treaties with foriegn states, and lay duties ( taxes ) on imports.
  4. 10. Agreements amongst ourselves and forign states
  5. 12. A system of government where in the power is split between a national government and states
  6. 13. A document dividing the power between the national government and the states
  7. 16. Grants made to states and localities, occasionally private agencies as well.
  8. 17. Grants of federal money or other resources to the states or their cities, counties, and other local units.
  9. 19. A grant for a more broad / general use.
  10. 20. Powers that both the national government and state possess. An example of these powers are they can levy and collect taxes, to define crimes and set punishments, and condemn private property for public use.
  1. 1. Often comes into play in court matters by making sure punishment is enforced. ( cannot escape punishment by moving to another state )
  2. 3. Powers that belong to the national government due to it being a government of a sovereign state within the world community. They are powers that the constitution does not expressly state but the national government always had.
  3. 4. Powers that are given in the constitution.
  4. 5. Powers granted to only the states. These include; forbidding a person under 18 from marrying without parental consent, forbiding the purchase of liqour to anyone under 21, ban the sale of pornography, outlaw prostitution, permit forms of gambling, and make people like doctors and lawyers to have a license in order to do their practice.
  5. 8. The legal process by which a fugitive from justice from one state is returned to that state.
  6. 9. A form of federal monetary aid that involves congress giving an annual share of the federal tax revenue to their; states, cities, counties, and townships.
  7. 11. An act to create a new state.
  8. 14. Powers given to the national government and are expressly spelled out / stated in the constitution.
  9. 15. Grants made for a specific purpose.
  10. 18. Powers that are not directly written in the constitution but are hinted at within reason.