Political Parties, Media and Foreign Policy

  1. 1. formed to defend Western Europe against Russia. It was a treaty between America, Canada and many European countries.
  2. 3. The ___________ missile crisis was when Cuba had nuclear missiles pointed at Florida and in retaliation, America blockaded their island
  3. 5. favor raising taxes to help pay for services like Medicaid and education
  4. 6. this organization gives relief during war times or natural disasters. Not founded by a government. They wear a giant cross to let others know they aren't soldiers
  5. 8. The _________ party political party that favors less government and more personal freedom
  6. 9. those who speak to state legislators, members of Congress, or others in order to influence new laws
  7. 11. adds that only tell of the good things a candidate does
  8. 12. adds showing politicians as normal, plain people just like you
  9. 13. The _________ nations major goal is to maintain world peach and promote friendship between countries
  10. 15. a treaty giving free trade between Mexico, America and Canada
  11. 17. This party sought to have public ownership of business and property
  12. 18. on September _________, terrorists flew hijacked planes into the World Trade Center, planned by Osama Bin Laden
  13. 20. years a US Senator must be a citizen in the US to qualify to run for office
  1. 2. America entered this world war when Germany started attacking and sinking all American ships
  2. 4. adds that attack candidates, only talking about the bad things they've done
  3. 7. favor lowing taxes, so citizens have more money and can take care of themselves
  4. 10. political party formed to protect the environment
  5. 14. these adds, called ___________ generalities, provoke emotions but don't mean anything
  6. 16. this kind of policy is when one country makes decisions that affects another country. This takes place outside the USA
  7. 19. America entered World War _____ when japan attacked Pearl Harbor