Politics Terms Unit1 1

  1. 3. The TV/radio regulator is this type of regulator: quasi-autonomous non-governmental regulator (so, kind of independent from government!)
  2. 5. '...whip' - if a politician ignores this instruction on how to vote they may face 'losing the whip'
  3. 8. ...Unionist Voice (TUV), a hardline loyalist party
  4. 9. The Daily Mail labelled this institution "enemies of the people" in a notorious November 2016 front page headline that many worried was distinctly fascist
  5. 12. The most high profile DUP loss in the 2019 general election
  6. 14. The opposite of private business, all government bodies and employees are part of this
  7. 16. The 'super-regulator' that oversees TV, radio, web, telephony/mobile
  8. 18. The voluntary self-regulator of the newspaper industry, criticised for being weak and ineffective
  9. 19. Rupert Murdoch's media empire is global, and include two national UK dailies, The S*n and The...
  10. 20. One of only 2 (supposedly!) left-wing national daily newspapers
  11. 21. Republican party who refuse to swear an oath to the queen and therefore won't take up their Westminster seats
  12. 22. The SNP will be seeking one, and the Tories will attempt to block them...
  1. 1. "... dictatorship" - Lord Hailsham's memorable phrase to describe his fears that the majority Labour government of the 1970s had no real democratic check
  2. 2. The Lib Dems formed one with the Tories from 2010-2015 and as a result lost most of their MPs at the 2015 election, with left-wing voters disgusted at the 'centrist' party
  3. 4. Debates and tweaks planned laws, and scrutinises work of government
  4. 6. When an MP resigns or dies one of these is called. Smaller parties often do well in these
  5. 7. The BBFC is an example of this type of media regulator: established by law. Hint: monument Conservative
  6. 10. Labour had planned to undo the privatisation of multiple industries; the term for this is...
  7. 11. The PM, Cabinet
  8. 13. The only 'non-sectarian' (not linked to a religion or policy on the border) NI MP after the 2019 election
  9. 15. Aka laissez faire, the economic ideology that business should be left unregulated and private sector competition produces efficient results
  10. 17. '...and supply' - the £1bn deal the DUP made with the 2017 Tory minority government to guarantee them a majority in key votes