Pollution and human health

  1. 3. One of three ways pollutants can enter the body Mostly through the skin or eyes (Leavitt, 2020).
  2. 4. (Leavitt, 2020).
  3. 8. A substance that occurs in concentrations higher than would be expected (Leavitt, 2020).
  4. 9. Organic chemicals that do not break down easily and will persist in the environment for long periods of time (Leavitt, 2020).
  5. 10. An example of a secondary air pollutant is a mixture of smoke and fog (Leavitt, 2020).
  6. 13. A substance that is (or has the potential) to be harmful to organisms (Leavitt, 2020).
  1. 1. A process in which a body of water will receive too many nutrients and will most likely grow algae (Leavitt, 2020).
  2. 2. One of three ways pollutants can enter the body, through the mouth (Leavitt, 2020).
  3. 5. One of three ways pollutants can enter the body, mostly through the nose and Mouth (Leavitt, 2020).
  4. 6. A device that moves gases through a liquid spray that reacts with pollutant chemical compounds to remove them from industrial
  5. 7. A point source water pollutant and is a building that manufactures items (Leavitt, 2020).
  6. 11. An indoor air pollutant that prefers warm moisture (Leavitt, 2020).
  7. 12. A low-tech Approach to Manage Water and also a carbon sink (Leavitt, 2020).