Pompeii and Herculaneum:Private Buildings

  1. 2. found on walls and floors and used as decoration
  2. 4. back gate
  3. 5. usually contained in the same space as the forica
  4. 8. large mansions
  5. 10. double-door entry
  6. 14. ______ is the oldest house in Herculaneum
  7. 15. elaborate or simplistic wall paintings
  8. 16. outdoor dining
  1. 1. skylight
  2. 3. connected house to garden
  3. 6. main part of house
  4. 7. unsafe and unpleasant form of accommodation
  5. 9. house shop
  6. 11. decoration for wealthier houses
  7. 12. Tablinum
  8. 13. number of couches in a triclinium