Pompeii & Vesuvius

  1. 6. the conditions of a volcanic eruption can cause this
  2. 7. the name of a major street in Pompeii
  3. 10. the main town meeting and trading centre
  4. 13. another town also covered in ash
  5. 14. fast and hot flows and surges were part of this phase
  6. 17. the rediscovery of the buried Pompeiian city resulted in this
  7. 18. became the official Roman language
  8. 19. Haraldur Sigurdsson’s career
  9. 20. damaged building in Pompeii prior to the big eruption
  10. 22. one way people died in the eruption
  11. 23. the eruptive column resembled this
  12. 25. the series of conflicts between Rome and Carthage
  13. 27. the soil around Vesuvius
  14. 28. the god thought to have his forge beneath an active mountain
  15. 31. a neighbouring town of Pompeii
  16. 32. a people from the north of Rome who had great cultural influence
  17. 33. The force of the eruptive blast was 100x this
  18. 35. layers of debris than can be examined to reconstruct an eruption
  19. 36. a people who colonised southern Italy
  20. 38. the first phase of the eruption of Vesuvius
  21. 39. one of the gates of Pompeii
  1. 1. an Italian tribe that may have settled Pompeii
  2. 2. fought in the apmphitheatre
  3. 3. developed a method to capture the last moments of life using plaster moulds
  4. 4. the Phlegraean fields were thought to be an entrance to this...
  5. 5. Pompeii had three sets of these
  6. 8. Pompeii was in this region of Italy
  7. 9. a Egyptian goddess who had a temple in Pompeii
  8. 11. broke out in 59 CE
  9. 12. the status of Vesuvius now
  10. 15. an important crop on the slopes of Vesuvius
  11. 16. assassinated in 44BCE
  12. 21. Pompeii had many of these
  13. 24. a town buried by the eruption of Vesuvius
  14. 26. the heir of Julius Caesar who became the first Roman emperor
  15. 29. where the Roman fleet was stationed
  16. 30. the effect of pyroclastic surges on human bodies
  17. 31. the ancient name for the city of Naples
  18. 34. a warlike tribe who took over Campania in the 400s BCE
  19. 37. the number of gateways leading out of Pompeii