pontic, Replaces the missing tooth/teeth in a bridge abutment, Part(s) of the bridge that are crowned least, Class I medical devices are the ________ regulated crown, When too much structure is lost and a tooth needs more support a ________ is often indic

  1. 2. Restoration that is lab-made and includes one or more cusps
  2. 5. Class I medical devices are the ________ regulated
  3. 6. Replaces the missing tooth/teeth in a bridge
  4. 8. The primary factor in determining success of a dental material
  5. 9. When too much structure is lost and a tooth needs more support a ________ is often indicated
  6. 11. Man-made materials that are used to replace tissues or that function in intimate contact with living tissues
  7. 12. Restoration that is lab-made and set within the grooves of the tooth
  1. 1. Class III medical devices are the ________ regulated
  2. 3. Part(s) of the bridge that are crowned
  3. 4. A negative copy of the teeth that is taken with alginate
  4. 7. Both amalgam and composite restorations are completed ___________
  5. 10. Dental products must be approved by the _______