
  1. 3. Assists Mommy
  2. 4. Baby Needs
  3. 5. Baby Elephant
  4. 7. Auntie and Uncle's Babies
  5. 8. Keeps Baby Piggy's Warm
  6. 10. What Baby sleeps in
  7. 11. Baby's First Ride
  8. 13. Thumb Substitute
  9. 15. Diaper bag supply
  10. 16. What Baby Rides In
  1. 1. Daddy's Sweetheart
  2. 2. All babies need to be
  3. 6. Birth Pangs
  4. 8. New born's bed
  5. 9. Cant leave the house without
  6. 10. Bawl
  7. 12. Baby Wear
  8. 14. Childbirth Preparation