Pookie's Puzzle

  1. 3. best math
  2. 6. the sweetest boy
  3. 7. what izzy loves slow
  4. 8. addiction
  5. 10. our first breakfast
  6. 11. fun drinkity
  7. 13. ian dream occupation
  8. 14. ian fetish?
  9. 16. cute cotton ball
  10. 19. boy dinner
  11. 20. our month
  1. 1. izzy's role in the play
  2. 2. for ian's head
  3. 3. best pie ;)
  4. 4. dj gerth genre
  5. 5. kpop song about ian
  6. 9. pookie kryptonite
  7. 12. government name
  8. 15. first kiss site
  9. 17. cute wrinkle
  10. 18. next 'workout' location