Pop art and colour crossword

  1. 1. type of book
  2. 2. harmonious
  3. 3. secondary colour complementary to yellow
  4. 5. an artist’s second name
  5. 7. mix yellow and blue
  6. 11. dots
  7. 14. contrasting colours
  8. 15. eye catching
  9. 17. mix primary colours together
  10. 20. artist’s second name
  11. 21. a warm primary colour
  1. 1. buyer
  2. 4. primary colour complementary to orange
  3. 6. opposite
  4. 8. black, white and grey
  5. 9. colours red, blue and yellow
  6. 10. a cool primary colour
  7. 12. one colour in different levels of brightness
  8. 13. famous
  9. 16. a warm primary colour
  10. 18. mix yellow and red
  11. 19. no tone