
  1. 2. A cooking method in which meat is cooked over an open flame or with smoky wood chips.
  2. 5. A Mexican dish made with a tortilla filled with meat, beans, cheese, and toppings.
  3. 6. A blended drink made with fruit, yogurt, and sometimes ice cream or other ingredients.
  4. 7. A snack made by heating popcorn kernels until they burst and puff up.
  5. 11. A snack made with tortilla chips topped with melted cheese, meat, beans, and other toppings.
  6. 14. A dish of mixed greens, vegetables, and sometimes meat or cheese, often served with dressing.
  7. 15. A bread product shaped like a ring, often served with cream cheese or other spreads.
  8. 16. Flat, round cakes made from a batter of flour, eggs, milk, and butter.
  9. 17. A breakfast food made from a batter of flour, eggs, and milk, cooked in a waffle iron.
  10. 20. ROLL A type of sushi made by rolling sushi rice and fillings in a sheet of seaweed.
  1. 1. A Mexican dish made with a flour tortilla wrapped around a filling of beans, rice, meat, and cheese.
  2. 3. Rich, chocolatey squares made with cocoa powder, sugar, eggs, and butter.
  3. 4. A savory dish made with a dough base, tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings.
  4. 7. A dish made with Italian-style noodles and sauce, often with meat, vegetables, and cheese.
  5. 8. Sweet, baked treats made with flour, sugar, butter, and other ingredients.
  6. 9. A carbonated beverage often flavored with fruit syrup.
  7. 10. A cake made by poking holes in a baked cake and pouring a sweet filling over it, such as Jell-O or condensed milk.
  8. 12. Small, individual cakes often topped with frosting and decorations.
  9. 13. A Japanese noodle soup dish with a flavorful broth and toppings.
  10. 15. A sandwich made with a ground meat patty, typically beef, and toppings.
  11. 18. Thin slices of potatoes deep-fried until crispy.
  12. 19. A Japanese dish made with vinegar-seasoned rice, seafood, and vegetables.