Pop Culture in law 26-50

  1. 2. amendment granted women the right to vote.
  2. 3. indicating that a defendant did not commit the crime.
  3. 5. where a nation/state surrenders a suspected/convicted criminal.
  4. 7. All federal laws override state laws/constitutional provisions.
  5. 8. Amendment granted all rights/privileges of citizenship to former slaves.
  6. 10. A serious crime punishable by imprisonment for more than a year or death.
  7. 11. Amendment replaced federal income lost; income tax was instituted.
  8. 12. consist of ninety percent of a court case load.
  9. 14. was a tv show that introduced Miranda Warnings to the public.
  10. 16. scheme employed by FDR to adjust membership of SCOTUS.
  11. 17. To isolate the jury from outside influences during deliberation.
  12. 18. Amendment Prohibited the using race to disqualify a person from voting.
  13. 19. A jury of 23 people selected to examine the validity of charges.
  14. 20. effect is when jurors place a higher demand/emphasis on forensic evidence.
  15. 21. is the power of a court to review decisions and change outcomes of decisions of lower courts.
  1. 1. individuals can’t be tried twice for the same offense.
  2. 2. Amendment ended all forms of slavery and involuntary servitude.
  3. 4. Amendment Shortened the lame duck period; inauguration moved to January.
  4. 6. A command to a witness to appear and give testimony.
  5. 8. amendment prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol.
  6. 9. amendment repealed Prohibition.
  7. 10. is when law influences pop culture and pop culture influences law.
  8. 11. Amendment allowed voter control of the fed govt; direct election of Senators.
  9. 13. Established right of judicial review for the Supreme Court.
  10. 15. A formal written statement charging a person with an offense.