- 2. this decade was known for this
- 4. job for a woman
- 7. women on tv were displayed as this
- 9. job at a hospital
- 10. popular music festival 400,000 ppl
- 12. popular basketballplayer
- 14. war that took place
- 15. was a family activity
- 16. was a popular organization for boys
- 1. these were popular among teen boys
- 3. many women began to wear these 2 thing
- 4. was the number 1 movie
- 5. people began to move here for better life
- 6. popular baseball player
- 8. this record label began in 1964
- 11. job in an office
- 13. popular band and named after insects
- 17. children of the decade were thought to be this