
  1. 2. Birmingham gang
  2. 5. Breaking fourth wall
  3. 6. Are you not entertained?
  4. 8. War hero
  5. 11. Clown prince
  6. 12. Serial killers
  7. 14. Kazakh journalist
  8. 15. Replicants
  9. 16. Boston bar
  10. 18. Green ogre
  11. 19. Eye of the Tiger
  12. 20. Parallel worlds
  1. 1. Peter Parker
  2. 3. British royalty
  3. 4. True crime
  4. 7. Time traveler
  5. 9. Yellow henchmen
  6. 10. Scottish freedom
  7. 13. Ripley fights
  8. 17. Medical comedy