Poppy's Musical Crossword

  1. 1. eight letters - a musical family which consists of wind instruments
  2. 3. five letters - affects whether the instrument is high or low
  3. 5. Nine letters - a group of people that play instruments from all of the families, they usually play classical music.
  4. 8. seven letters - the smallest instrument in the brass family
  5. 9. five letters - a type of metal which commonly makes instruments in the brass family
  6. 11. six letters - a pleasant sounding sequence of notes
  7. 13. six letters - the quality of musical sound
  8. 14. ten letters - a musical family which has instruments that are played by being struck or hit
  9. 17. five letters - the highest pitched instrument in the woodwind family
  10. 18. five letters - a keyboard instrument which is very famous and is frequently used in classical pieces
  11. 20. five letters - how many beats per minute
  1. 2. eight letters - the volume of the music
  2. 4. four letters - the biggest member of the string family
  3. 6. seven letters - the instrument we've been learning to play in class
  4. 7. seven letters - playing two or more notes at the same time to produce another sound
  5. 10. four letters - basic unit of time in music
  6. 12. four letters - the lowest sounding instrument in the percussion family
  7. 15. six letters - a repeated pattern of sound
  8. 16. six letters - a length of material that makes sound and is usually on instruments in the string family
  9. 19. four letters - the structure of a musical performance