Popular Food

  1. 5. It is an Italian dish that consist of a normally roun and flattened base, it is known all over the world
  2. 6. sweet and delicious very soft and Whit many flavors (it is like a bread)
  3. 7. You can put everything Although the most classic is Yam
  4. 8. Is a long, thin, solid, cylindral pasta. It is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine
  5. 13. Originally for France
  6. 14. also known as omusubi, or rice ball, is a Japanese food
  7. 15. They called tomato salsa
  8. 17. European recipe of French origin made primarily of wheat flour, whit which a disc-shaped dough is produced
  9. 18. Is a traditional sauce and marinade originally used in mexican cuisine
  10. 20. Spanish rice dish originally from Valencia. Is one of the best-know dishes in Spanish cuisine
  1. 1. This dish is one of the most recognized in Japanese cuisine and one of the most popular internationally
  2. 2. They are closed but they have meat inside
  3. 3. It is called white meat
  4. 4. It is delicious and can be withe and bitter
  5. 9. A juicy red fruit
  6. 10. Is a food, typically considered a sandwich
  7. 11. Is an Italian dish made of stacked layers of thin flat pasta alternating whit fillings
  8. 12. A very Mexican meal that has tortilla and meat
  9. 16. A juicy and delicious yellow food
  10. 19. Is a Japanese noodle soup. It consist of Chinese wheat noodles served in a meat or fish- based