Popular History

  1. 6. What most populist historians are accused of being, especially by academic historians
  2. 9. One outlet of popular history
  3. 11. Argues the main problem with popular history is "historical accuracy"
  4. 12. Television show proving history doesn't have to be accurately portrayed, and apparently people as well
  5. 14. Who popular history is supposedly aimed at
  6. 15. Popular history film about a boat
  1. 1. Arguably the main users of populism as a form of history
  2. 2. What popular historians generally prioritise over historical fact
  3. 3. What popular historians are accused of doing to the true story by academics
  4. 4. They criticise the work of Populist Historians
  5. 5. The pre-eminent Populist Historian of our time
  6. 7. What popular history acts as for the masses without much actual historical knowledge
  7. 8. The first historian to write in a Populist fashion
  8. 10. One recent example of Disney's use of popular history
  9. 13. Another term for this form of history
  10. 16. The best, most amazing person ever!