Popular Movies of The 2000s #1

  1. 4. - The Dark *** Batman sequel
  2. 6. - James Cameron's sci-fi epic
  3. 9. - Christopher Nolan's mind-bending thriller
  4. 10. - Lion King Disney's beloved remake
  5. 13. - of the Rings epic trilogy
  6. 15. - Marvel superhero ensemble
  1. 1. - Panther Marvel superhero film
  2. 2. - World dinosaur adventure
  3. 3. - Wars: The Force Awakens sci-fi saga continuation
  4. 5. - Sandra Bullock's space thriller
  5. 7. - Nemo Pixar underwater adventure
  6. 8. - Pixar superhero animation
  7. 11. - Disney animated phenomenon
  8. 12. - Incredibles Pixar superhero family
  9. 14. - La La *** musical romance