
  1. 3. Country with the largest population
  2. 8. Countries with higher ________________ densities have less arable land and must import in more food
  3. 10. ___________ land is land that can be plowed and used to grow crops
  4. 11. ___________ of people live in mid-latitudes
  5. 12. As population grows and communities expand the ____________ and landscape are altered
  6. 15. Total population/Total area of land
  7. 18. Culture, Economics, History, Politics
  8. 19. Number of farmers/arable land
  9. 20. Climate, landforms, bodies of water
  1. 1. Spread of people across the earth
  2. 2. While population density has changed over the last 200 years, population _______________ has not
  3. 4. _____________ countries have a lower agricultural density
  4. 5. Total population/arable land
  5. 6. Measures how crowded a place is; average population per square mile or kilometer
  6. 7. Areas with larger populations and greater population density have ____________ political, economic, and social power
  7. 9. _______________ countries have a higher agricultural density
  8. 11. 30* - 60* N and S
  9. 13. Continent projected in 2100 to have the most countries in the top 10 most populated lists
  10. 14. Most people live near bodies of _________ as they are necessary to sustain life
  11. 16. Amount of people that a location can sustain without environmental degradation
  12. 17. More developed countries have lower _____________ rates, which is why populations are not growing as quickly as less developed countries