Population Assessment by Jax Benedict

  1. 6. when the population experiences steady death rates
  2. 10. how many organisms an area can support
  3. 11. how many are born, die, move in, or move out
  4. 14. when the population experiences a sudden loss of all members
  5. 15. affect populations regardless of size, includes natural disasters, temperature, and human activities like habitat destruction
  1. 1. affected by population size, includes competition, disease, starvation, limited water, and predation
  2. 2. anything that slows of stops a population's growth
  3. 3. occurs when the total number of organisms increases by an ever increasing rate (the "J curve")
  4. 4. where in the world the population is located
  5. 5. when growth rate decreases as population size approaches carrying capacity
  6. 7. when population growth is rapid and even
  7. 8. how many individuals are in an area
  8. 9. food, water, shelter, and mates
  9. 12. slow, will become exponential as the size of the population increases
  10. 13. when population neither increases nor decreases
  11. 16. groups of interbreeding individuals that live in the same place at the same time and compete with each other for resources