Population & Conflict

  1. 2. when a country breaks apart based on ethnic group boundaries
  2. 4. a movement that helped established the country of Israel
  3. 6. happens when a group is forcibly removed or killed based on their ethnicity
  4. 8. the reason the USA is so careful when commenting on Kashmir
  5. 15. is going down in countries that are giving women educational opportunity
  6. 16. number of deaths per 1,000 people
  7. 21. moving from urban to rural areas
  8. 23. a bridge destroyed by Serbs because of its Muslim cultural importance
  9. 24. number of live births per 1,000 people
  10. 26. a person in Northern Ireland that wants to stay part of the United Kingdom
  11. 28. an aging population
  12. 29. pestilence and famine are high
  1. 1. Military group that defends Israel
  2. 3. a push factor based on natural disasters
  3. 5. demanded a vote should be held in Kashmir so they could decide their fate, the vote was never held
  4. 7. a terrorist group in Nothern Ireland that wanted all of Ireland to be independent from the UK
  5. 9. John Snow used mapping to help determine where this disease was affecting the population
  6. 10. area where there are many Israeli settlements
  7. 11. used migrant workers to build World Cup Stadiums
  8. 12. moving from MN to CA
  9. 13. protestant group that used violence in Northern Ireland
  10. 14. measure of the number of dependents aged zero to 14 and over the age of 65, compared with the total population aged 15 to 64.
  11. 17. disputed region between Pakistan, India and China
  12. 18. moving from Howard Lake to Minneapolis
  13. 19. this is what your passport says it is
  14. 20. an area that is highly important to a religious group
  15. 22. very high CDR and CBR
  16. 25. area where hamas had control prior to the attack in Oct. 2023
  17. 27. possibly in stage 5 of the demographic transition