Population Ecology

  1. 3. the type of population growth that makes an S-shaped curve
  2. 4. the type of distribution that results from zebras living in herds for protection against predators
  3. 7. when a new individual joins a population
  4. 8. the nests of some penguins are equally spaced apart
  5. 11. factors like natural disasters and severe weather
  6. 12. the type of distribution that results from maple trees using the wind to disperse their seeds
  7. 14. when a male lion leaves his pride in search of a new pride
  1. 1. all the blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay
  2. 2. there are 30 chipmunks living at Quince Orchard
  3. 5. this type of growth happens when resources are unlimited
  4. 6. the average number of individuals an environment can support
  5. 9. when this is higher than birth rate populations decrease in size
  6. 10. 5 meerkats/m2
  7. 13. competition and predation are examples of this type of limiting factor