Population Pyramid (the slides have all the answers)

  1. 4. A narrow top means ... death rate.
  2. 7. We find rectangular shaped, triangular shaped and ... shaped pyramids.
  3. 8. The working population is shown between the ages ... and 65.
  4. 10. Females are always shown on this side.
  5. 12. A graph that shows how the population of a country grows and changes.
  6. 13. The horizontal axis shows this.
  7. 15. The vertical axis in the middle shows this.
  1. 1. A broad base means ... birth rate.
  2. 2. Males are always shown on this side.
  3. 3. Smaller bars at the bottom mean the birth rate is ...
  4. 5. Triangular shaped pyramids are typical of ... countries.
  5. 6. Triangular shaped pyramids are typical of ... countries.
  6. 9. Population Pyramids are divided in 2 by using ...
  7. 11. The bars are showing in this interval.
  8. 14. Narrow top means ... death rate.