Populations and samples vocabulary

  1. 4. table A table that displays how often something occurs.
  2. 6. accurately reflects the characteristics of the entire population
  3. 9. to confirm or give support to a finding or theory
  4. 11. provable false
  5. 16. the average of a group of numbers
  6. 17. a small group of people from the population
  7. 18. the median of the second half of a data set
  8. 19. provably true
  9. 20. a conclusion made by interpreting data
  10. 21. A graphical display where the data is grouped into ranges (such as "100 to 149", "150 to 199", etc), and then plotted as bars. The height of each bar shows how many are in each range.
  1. 1. the median of the first half of a data set
  2. 2. an inference that is very likely to be true
  3. 3. the difference between the lowest and highest points in a data set
  4. 5. each member of the population has an equal chance of being included. Tends to be a representative sample.
  5. 7. A selection taken from a larger group (the "population") that will, hopefully, let you find out things about the larger group.
  6. 8. the way data is spread out
  7. 10. the pattern of a data set, the way the data is going (usually in time)
  8. 12. how far apart data points are
  9. 13. The whole group that is being studied.
  10. 14. the difference between the third and first quartile in a data set.
  11. 15. the middle value of a data set