Porifera cnidarians

  1. 2. means don't move
  2. 3. sensory cells that help determine the direction of gravity
  3. 6. tentacles cnidarian have a mouth surround by
  4. 8. organisms that contain stinging cells in their tentacles
  5. 12. do not display any symmetry
  6. 13. needle cnidarians means
  7. 15. inner layer
  8. 18. meaning of porifera
  9. 19. has many lines
  10. 20. first form of jellyfish
  11. 21. second form of the jellyfish
  12. 22. filters food particles out of water
  13. 23. allows water to enter into the sponge
  14. 25. supports the sponge
  15. 26. cnidocytst contain capsules called
  16. 28. net loosely organized network of nerve cells
  17. 29. eyespots that detect light
  18. 30. reproduction by one organisms
  19. 31. polyp reproduce by
  20. 32. organisms that live in the ocean floor
  21. 33. performs two main function in the sponge
  1. 1. tentacles contain specialized cells called
  2. 3. reproduction by two organism
  3. 4. occurs outside the body of cnidarian when sperm and egg are released
  4. 5. carry nutrients to other cells and aid in reproduction
  5. 7. species of jellyfish,coral, sea anemone and hyrdras
  6. 9. not unicellular then its
  7. 10. outer layer
  8. 11. creates the water current
  9. 14. cnidarians have__ body form
  10. 16. sponges don't have these but some other organisms do
  11. 17. both side looks identical
  12. 24. cells that perform different functions in sponges
  13. 27. propulsion allows water to be pushed out and move the cnidarian