Portuguese A1 - 1

  1. 2. Feline animal
  2. 4. Outdoor area for plants
  3. 9. Time-keeping device
  4. 11. Urban area
  5. 13. Clothing
  6. 14. Substance necessary for sustenance
  7. 16. Mode of transportation
  8. 17. Electronic device for computing
  9. 18. Close acquaintance
  10. 19. Footwear
  11. 20. Parental male figure
  12. 21. Female offspring
  13. 22. Furniture piece to sit on
  14. 24. Place where one lives
  15. 26. Room for personal hygiene
  1. 1. Sibling of the same parents
  2. 3. Device for communication
  3. 5. Public roadway
  4. 6. Round object used in sports
  5. 7. Male offspring
  6. 8. Furniture piece to place items on
  7. 10. Place of learning
  8. 11. Canine animal
  9. 12. Clear liquid
  10. 15. Sibling of the same parents
  11. 16. Furniture piece for sleeping
  12. 17. Room for cooking
  13. 20. Human being
  14. 23. Written work
  15. 25. Parental female figure