POS 120 First Exam Review

  1. 1. Highlights the male dominance and absence of women in political discussions and in the field
  2. 5. The use of historical analogs to draw lessons on the present (often incorrectly)
  3. 6. States cooperate with each other in order to develop an international community/society.
  4. 8. The ability to rule with legitimacy through the institutions of law and a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence
  5. 10. Sovereign political entity with legitimacy, territory, and a system of bureaucracy/governing institution
  6. 13. The ability to act independently with other states
  7. 14. Viewing adversarial states or individuals as having the opposite characteristics of oneself or group
  8. 16. The tendency to dismiss new evidence if it contradicts prior belief or understanding
  9. 17. The idea that the proletariat will successfully revolt and overthrow the state, also diminishing the existence of class division.
  1. 2. The control of things within your own state/territory
  2. 3. The tendency to agree with group consensus and hesitancy to challenge it
  3. 4. States act only in their own self-interest. Defense and security are the main focuses. States are violent because they want power.
  4. 7. Another name for a State in Political Science
  5. 9. States'identities and interests are socially constructed. Norms play a huge role in the decision-making process
  6. 11. States are violent because they HAVE to be in order to survive
  7. 12. A shared culture, history, language, or identity
  8. 15. Leadership or dominance, especially by one social group or country, over the others