Positive and Negative Tone Words

  1. 4. arrogant, disdainful
  2. 5. assertive, overbearing, bold
  3. 7. capricious, acting on trivial wishes
  4. 10. worshipful, respectful
  5. 11. filled with, showing great emotion/passion
  6. 12. intending to arouse angry feelings
  7. 13. hostile, aggressive
  8. 15. extremely unpleasant
  9. 16. displaying inappropriate, flippant humor
  10. 17. not wanting to act, not showing enthusiasm
  11. 18. cheerful, friendly
  1. 1. bad tempered, unfriendly
  2. 2. brave, daring
  3. 3. expressing happiness, triumph
  4. 6. prone to anger
  5. 8. showing patronizing superiority
  6. 9. prone to quarrelling, arguing
  7. 13. well-meaning, kindly
  8. 14. displaying overwhelming happiness/excitement
  9. 17. displaying a friendly manner