Post Classical East Asia

  1. 2. Major Islamic city that the Mongols conquered
  2. 3. Section of the Mongolian empire
  3. 7. Mongolian Chinese dynasty
  4. 10. Code that Samurai follow
  5. 12. Major Tang/Song achievement connecting North and South China
  6. 13. A dry grass covered plain
  7. 16. Mongolian Chinese Emperor
  8. 17. A System based on merit and not family status
  9. 18. A portable, felt covered dwelling
  10. 23. A group of islands
  11. 24. The second main religion in Japan
  12. 25. Chinese Dynasty from 600-900ce
  1. 1. Great Mongolian leader that united Mongolian Tribes
  2. 3. Mongolian leader
  3. 4. A System where a person or nation would give tribute to show acknowledgement
  4. 5. Government issued paper money
  5. 6. Chinese Dynasty from 650-1200ce
  6. 8. The combination of different form of belief
  7. 9. Area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanoes
  8. 11. Ritual suicide
  9. 12. Russia under Mongolian control
  10. 14. Traveler that made his way through east Asia
  11. 15. A Japanese shrine gate
  12. 19. An archipelago next to China
  13. 20. Divine spirits dwelling in nature
  14. 21. Ethnic or indigenous religion unique to Japan
  15. 22. Japanese Military ruler